Bitcoin Payments App Redesign

Bitcoin Payments Company

A structural and visual overhaul to reflect the new direction of a consumer app.

UX Design

Mobile App

Design System


The company app was approaching it's second anniversary. Over time lots of new features have been developed, and some features have been placed in awkward our counterintuitive locations. In the 2 year span we've also learnt a tonne about the app and our users.


Inspired by this information and a new business direction. We decided it would be a good time to refresh the mobile app. Use what we've learnt and build a well made robust app that would also be flexible enough to handle future developments.

Company Mobile App Redesign

Company Mobile App Redesign File

Restructure Planning

As mentioned there's a lot we've learned in the last few years. The app has essentially outgrown itself and new features are hard to develop and include seemlessly. Below I've outlined some of our initial thoughts and feelings when approaching this project.


Once we'd planned out the restructure it was time to iterate. We went through hundreds of potential screen designs and layouts.

We played with the structure but no matter what we came up with ultimately we came back to the 3-tabbed approach we started with.

Initial Proposal

Here's the initial proposal, the key here is splitting up those core functions into distinct screens based on function. This is a great improvement over the current offering. It allows us to segregate different features and create a clear and useful structure for the user.

There's still some work to do though. I'm not a big fan of the repeated information across screens and I'd like each screen to feel consistent but unique.

The loss of an adhoc

One thing that was really bothering me with this redesign was the loss of our adhoc/power button, that sits in the centre of the users nav.

This is a handy tool for users to perform quick actions and access the key features within the app.

Although it's not easy to just add back in. We want to simplify the nav down to 3 tabs but then an added adhoc would have to sit off centre within the screen.

Finding a way back

In the end I managed to incorporate the adhoc by adding it to the home screen. This allowed us to simplify the home screen massively with just a users balance at the top. Buttons leading to features such as contacts and transactions, and then the focal point of the screen being a revised power button.

This sits just within the home screen and gives users easy access to all key features immediately.

Company Mobile App Redesign

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